Our team utilizes industry-leading technology supplied by Surface Systems Instruments (SSI) https://www.smoothroad.com/products/. SSI is the leading equipment supplier of profiling equipment and data collection in California. California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) use SSI equipment and software within their own departments. This technology supplies seamless integration between the Construction Industry, collection equipment, the States and ProVal software.
SAM Rhodes Inc. provides Project Managers (upon request) Google Earth map technology with reference points of the beginning and end of project and all local areas of International Roughness Index (IRI) defects. Managers find this service provides easily identifiable defect locations from any location where internet and computer availability is present.
Defect Location(s) shown in Google Earth – See below.

Users may overlook the entire project and zoom into areas and identify localized problematic areas.
SAM Rhodes Inc. can also supply on-board camera technology during collections of roadway profiles. These photographs (normally taken at 25’ intervals) provides a photographic history of your project from the beginning to the final profile collection processes.